healing technique as taught to her over a seven year period by Drunvalo Melchizedek, an ascension teacher, author, and mentor. Through his studies and research, Melchizedek has rediscovered the profundity of the ancient secrets of the Flower of Life and what its capabilities are for the advancement of the human race.
Learn how to speak the sacred symbolic language of the ascended masters. Symbols, the language of Spirit and the ascended masters, are innately our language too, we just need to learn it! In this class, we will study and directly experience the meaning and power of the circle, triangle, ankh, pyramid, cross, and flower of life. These symbols are actually alive and active in our body, mind, and soul. We will learn the power of the symbols for healing and transcendence and will use them to go into a meditative state that is healing and empowering.
Basic level: 1 1/5 hours $110
Through Holographic Healing i.e.,the Melchizedek Method, any part of the physical, mental and emotional body is brought into the higher dimensions to be cleansed and healed. It is then returned to the physical, complete and perfect. Holographic healing and rejuvenation is a skill all human beings will practice in the future and will be instrumental in ridding the planet of illness and disease. Novices as well as seasoned healers will be able to master this method.
You will learn:
• Holographic Body “Computer” Healing. Generate the spiritual hologram using the sacred numbers of the Flower of Life and be attuned to them bringing the spiritual hologram around the body.
• HEALING, CLEANSING, REJUVENATING the seven aura bodies as well as the physical and emotional. Including the nervous system, heart, blood, immune system, muscles, bones, internal organs etc. Conditions such as being over or under weight and bad habits can be greatly helped. Through the restoration of the chakras, flow of Qi, and meridian points, the body will be restored to our original perfection and we will be able to tap into the abundance consciousness and origins of thought forms opening our heart to unconditional love.
For the spiritual seeker, you will be able to deepen your connection to the ascended masters and spirit guides accelerating this process.
3 Hours $250
Advanced techniques cover the Holographic Orbital Merkaba of the Light Body. You will be given the meditations and techniques to:
• Activate the "Orbital" Holographic Merkaba of Love Light Body
• Work with the Platinum Holograph
• Re-direct the Elements
• Open dimensional doorways to time travel
• Amplify the 33rd Degree Energies
• Open up the ancient seals of wisdom within the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx
3 Hours $250
The meditations and techniques continue with:
• Cosmic Thought Wave Patterning
• Advanced Body Computer Healing techniques
• Healing with Frequency Light/Color beams and sound
• Advanced and enhanced Holographic Manifesting and age reversal techniques
• Opening your heart to the cosmic vibration of unconditional love
3 Hours $250
Special: Pre-Pay for all Levels $675 (Regularly $750)