Reiki Certification
Emma has taught over 3000 students Reiki. She holds two lineages: Usui (Western) and Jikiden (Japanese). Reiki I, II and Master and Teacher levels are available. Reiki is a non-invasive healing method that has the innate ability to go to the parts of the body that
need it. Receive what is needed to heal yourself and others.
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Step up your Reiki with Light Ray Therapy, the most precise light healing modality available with the energy coming directly from the universal healing source.
Symbols, the language of Spirit and the Ascended Masters, are our language too- we only need to learn it! Learn how to speak the sacred symbolic language of the Ascended Masters for healing and transcendence. >>Read more>>
What is a spiritual crisis? How is a spiritual crisis overcome?
These are the very real questions many people ask.
Come and join me for a deeply meaningful and powerfully transformative
workshop on the power of love.
Many parts of a spiritual crisis can be overcome with divine love and self love.
There will be meditations on how to access the energy within your own body that leads to healing. This is actually the true meaning of self-empowerment.
This is a beautiful and sacred workshop offered by Emma which connects you to the core of the earth and to your higher self- your “I am” presence.
Emma uses an energy grid wand that physically grids the individual's light body into the core of the earth. Read more>>>
Crystals are one of nature's most powerful healing tools, when used with the focus of intention. Experience the healing properties of crystals. Learn to use crystals to heal yourself and others. Levels I, II, III are available. >>Read more>>
Learn how to set up sacred space to:
Repairs the DNA for healing. Helps one to elevate spiritually. Reconnect to your true life's purpose. >>Read more>>
Plants have been used for thousands of years to help heal us. As a culture, we are finding value once again in their pure, unadulterated properties. Levels 1, 2, & 3 available.